Over the last few weeks I have been struggling to find worthy competitors to put on my weekly DB Podium. I think it is because I began that idea while still employed. I harbored a lot of anger during those times and I've decided it's best to let it go and therefore end the podium's run.
Despite the end of the podium, there are still those out there that deserve recognition. I may or may not have mentioned how poor the drivers are here in Kansas - not stopping, failing to signal, speeding, etc. In addition to their poor abilities/habits on the roadways of this state, they also fail to understand how parking lots work:
1. Pull out and go the wrong way through the parking lot.
2. Pull out and have to make a difficult turn in order to drive the correct direction.
3. Back out through the parking space if no car is behind you.
I guess Kansas residents would have a fourth option as well - pull straight forward and cut through the parking spaces without looking for cars traveling along the proper thoroughfares. Either way you lose and they win.
Flea market tomorrow - hopefully we'll sell all our extra crap. Come on down and visit (and buy stuff) if you're in town.
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